The word ‘networking’ can cause a sense of dread in even the most savvy networkers. But there is a better way. Part of the reason we built Tide Risers and certainly one of the key reasons it has been such a valuable resource for our members is that we have transformed networking into true relationship-building. Here are some pro tips to help you network with authenticity.
Read MoreWith over 350 women in our network spanning North America, Europe, and the United Kingdom, you may be wondering how best to navigate our network to build meaningful relationships. We recommend you approach networking with Tide Risers through the lens of our Leadership Principles, which guide how we work together and create a powerful framework for building relationships. Here’s how they can help you network with authenticity.
Read MoreIn addition to a wealth of personal and spiritual gifts motherhood has brought me, it has also made me stronger, more creative, and more effective in my work life. Here are a few thoughts on why that has happened.
Read MoreWe need to start thinking about leadership as something greater than traditional professional hierarchies and political establishments. We need to find ways for each of us to take ownership of our true leadership potential as we seek new pathways to gain greater agency over our future. And more than ever, we need to support one another in our efforts to do this.
Read MoreLara Holliday and Marion Biglan talk about the inner critic to prepare Tide Risers members for our upcoming session on Overcoming Obstacles!
Read MoreLara Holliday and Michele Mason discuss the importance of uncovering and amplifying your strengths. To prepare members of Tide Risers for an upcoming session of Leveraging Intentionality, they share their own experiences coming to terms with their strengths and their challenges and also talk about blind spots they have encountered and how they have managed the consequences.
Read MoreLara Holliday and Michele Mason welcome a new cohort of Tide Risers to our community! Here’s what you can expect from the Tide Risers experience, along with some tips for making the most of it. Enjoy!
Read MoreLearn to set meaningful, actionable intentions in this 8-minute workshop led by Lara Holliday.
Intentions help us strive toward how we want to BE in this world, as opposed to goals, which help us drive toward what we want to DO in this world. Plus, intentions, when created in a meaningful and actionable way, can be quite effective in helping us find new and creative solutions to long-standing problems. Download our worksheet, watch this workshop, and get started on your journey toward intentional living today.
Read MoreI tend to focus more on intentions rather than goals or resolutions, and here's why: Intentions help us strive toward how we want to BE in this world, as opposed to goals, which help us drive toward what we want to DO in this world. Here's what I know to be true: navigating challenge and pursuing a life of purpose and fulfilment requires intentionality. Read on to learn more about how you can leverage intentionality in your own life.
Read MoreIt’s time to get more intentional about communications. Here are my tips for upleveling your communications skills by listening actively, leveraging leadership principles, and building community with intention.
Read MoreTo those of you who have supported Tide Risers from the beginning, and especially to those of you who have cheered us on during the past year and a half, thank you. I am so grateful for the community that has come together to help manifest this mission and to live out the promise that a rising tide lifts all boats. Wherever you are in the world, I wish you a season filled with gratitude, connection, and intentionality. Happy Thanksgiving!
Read MoreWe are so pleased to announce panelists for our Rising Higher panel discussion: Finding and Owning Your Leadership Voice. This live, online event will introduce you to four powerful female leaders who will share experiences and tactics that have enabled them to establish their authentic voices, embody their leadership potential, and communicate their personal brand.
Read MoreThe quality of the time we spend together is now more valuable than ever, and bringing people together with intentionality and in the spirit of abundance is key to creating quality time that is rejuvenating and inspiring.
Read MoreIf you are gathering people together after extended time apart, here are some tips and tricks that may help you create gatherings of abundance. I’ve learned these strategies over the years of running Tide Risers and I hope they will be useful to you!
Read MoreTo understand who we are, how we can best be of service to our community, and how we can most effectively pursue our Emprise, we need to unpack and examine the aspects of our identity that are influenced by societal norms around gender.
Read MoreDon’t miss this video, in which Lara Holliday, Career Coach and Founder + CEO of Tide Risers, explains how her personal journey shaped the Emprise framework that she created to help women find their purpose and calling.
Read MoreSuccess lies in our ability to cultivate a community within which we can maximize our strengths and collaborate with those who possess strengths in areas where we are weak. If you are planning or pursuing your Emprise, undertaking a new project, or leading a team, you’ll need to have a firm understanding of where your strengths lie, and how to leverage them within your community.
Read MoreA lot has been written about how to silence, banish, and wage war against the inner critic. But what if instead of fighting it, we learned how to make the inner critic our ally in pursuing our intentions, developing leadership skills, and living our Emprise?
Read MoreQuite some time ago I discovered one of my top strategies for getting stuff done efficiently: the simple act of setting a deadline. Here are my thoughts on what deadlines can do for us, and why I think we should joyfully embrace them.
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