Tips and Tricks: Find Your Strength
Photo by Heather Ford and Unsplash
For a lot of people, but especially women, talking aloud about strengths can feel awkward, or even wrong. We're taught from an early age that we shouldn't brag, show off, or self-promote too much. Often we follow these unwritten rules to our detriment, as managers, peers, and others in our lives may not be able to see our full value and potential if we ourselves are not able to talk about our accomplishments comfortably.
Our Tide Risers courses guide women to uncover their strengths, practice talking about them aloud and with confidence, and map out how their strengths will play a role in pursuing their intentions. Here are some tips to help you do the same:
Think about a time when you felt you were performing at your best. What were you doing? How did you feel? Which strengths were you using that enabled you to shine?
Ask three people in your life (they could be friends, colleagues, a coach, or a partner):
“What 3-5 things do you think I am best at?”
“How have you (or others) described me when I am not in the room?”
Reflect on the responses. What surprised you? What was reaffirming? Does anything feel missing to you as you think about your strengths?
Collect a list of your strengths and practice talking about them with a Tide Riser or a trusted friend.
Think about a time when you collaborated with someone who possessed strengths in areas where you are less strong. What worked well within that partnership? What can you do in the future to intentionally nurture partnerships with colleagues who possess complementary abilities?
Establish a habit of sharing your achievements with friends and colleagues. Be vocal in your support of others when they do the same.
And as always, give yourself the space, time, and community to reflect and learn.