Embracing Change
This year I have learned to grapple with change.
I’m a planner; always have been. I’m also a change enthusiast. The two characteristics usually work pretty well together. I can decide to do something, make a plan for it, and welcome in the new. But this past year has tested my typical attitude of openness to change. I’ve had quite enough of it for now, and would just like a little stability and predictability, thank you very much.
The increase of pandemic restrictions in London combined with upcoming high-stakes political elections and negotiations have certainly maximised my opportunities to re-examine the impact of change in my life. I know many of you are working to manage change as well, especially when that change is unexpected and unwelcome.
Photo by Chris Lawton and Unsplash
Here’s a simple process that may be of help to you as you navigate whatever change may be coming your way:
1. Remember that the only constant is change.
Maintaining an awareness that this simple but incontrovertible truth is key to being prepared for uncertainty.
2. Recognize change when it arrives.
Be sure you give it the credit it deserves. Change can be hard, and you’ll need time to adjust. During that time, treat yourself with grace and acknowledge that things may be rocky for a time.
3. Seek learning and record it.
Every change presents some kind of opportunity if you look for it. Try this simple exercise to help you search for learning and growth when you’re in the midst of turbulent times.
4. Celebrate or commemorate.
Mark important milestones whether or not they're positive. Over time you may want to adopt small rituals that give you a moment in time to reflect, reassess, and take the next step forward.
Lara Holliday is the Founder + CEO of Tide Risers
I’m going to be talking about this in more detail at our upcoming Tide Risers Summit, Rising Higher. If you’d like to workshop some strategies for managing change and the associated stress that comes with it, join me at noon ET on Saturday!