Jamie Renwick, Tide Risers Coach

Jamie Renwick serves as a Tide Risers Coach and Networking Lead, and she is a non-profit fundraising consultant. She is a BeSpoke Group Coach, she is available for one-to-one and small group coaching, and she will lead our networking events along with Mel Shahbazian.

“My top strength from Clifton Strengthfinders is Individualization, which means that I am intrigued by the specific and unique qualities of each person.

Because I am such a keen observer of other people's strengths, I draw the best out of each person.”

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What's your area of expertise?

1) Fundraising and Development including Board of Directors growth/structure, major gift and capital campaigns, and fundraising coaching/training; and 2) Facilitation

I have worked as a fundraising professional in New York City, London and Connecticut for more than 22 years. Some of my clients include Weill Cornell Medicine, Teach for America-CT, the Center for Public Research and Leadership (CPRL) at Columbia Law School, Squash Haven (at Yale), The Theodore Roosevelt Presidential Library, Billion Oyster Project, iMentor, Newark Charter School Fund and the Brooklyn Community Foundation.

Prior to this, I lived in London and was the Director of Major Gifts for Chelsea & Westminster Hospital. Before moving to London, I was the Campaign Director for PAVE Academy Charter School's $12 million capital campaign in Brooklyn. Previously, I served as Director of Major Gifts at Harlem Children's Zone. I was also the Associate Director of Major Gifts at New York-Presbyterian Hospital/Weill Cornell Medical College during the Hospital's $1 billion campaign and the Medical College's $750 million campaign. I also worked in development/fundraising for Student Sponsor Partners, Central Park Conservancy and a congressional campaign in SC.

While in London, I served on the Board of Governors at Christ Church School and was the Chair of the Capital Campaign Committee at Kensington Preparatory School. I was a Founding Board member and the Chair of the Development Committee of PAVE Academy Charter School.

What makes your practice unique?

I have rolled up my sleeves and done lots of front line fundraising so I understand my clients in a way that many consultants don't.

What can our members expect from a working relationship with you?

I also use this strength for one of my favorite pastimes - connecting women to other talented women for partnerships!

Which of our leadership principles resonates with you most right now, and why?

Right now, authenticity resonates the most. While I always try to show up authentically, it is more important than ever now. With the underlying long-term anxiety and effects of COVID on everyone, my goal is to always create a space where colleagues, our Tide Risers community and friends feel safe and also can be imperfect and messy!

Which of our leadership principles do you generally struggle with the most, and why?

I guess I struggle the most with courage. Not in our community but in embracing discomfort and challenge. My default is to do the things I am best at, so I need help and support (like most people I think) with challenge!

Tell us about your experience with Tide Risers.

I participated in the first Tide Risers cohort in NYC in 2017 and facilitated the Tide Risers Fairfield County cohorts in 2019 and 2020. To say that Tide Risers has been beneficial to me is an understatement! Tide Risers is one of the very few places that gives me the time and structure to focus on myself professionally and personally. The partnerships, colleagues and friends I have made through Tide Risers have been invaluable. I want to continue to play a leadership role in our community because I absolutely cherish being able to see women transform in Tide Risers!

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