Alberta McKnight MPH, Tide Risers Coach

Alberta McKnight serves as a Tide Risers Coach, supporting women in stepping into their purpose to live a life of joy. She will co-facilitate our sessions focusing on intentionality and identity, serve as a BeSpoke Group Coach, and she is available for one-to-one and small group coaching.


“I am passionate about service to others and improving the lives of women.

As a transformational coach, I support women in stepping into their purpose to live a life of joy that is not only about the individual but also service for others.”

What's your area of expertise?

Supporting women in identifying what holds them back and in taking authentic action toward their dreams. My practice, Insight Transformational Coaching, provides a path to self-discovery and fulfilment by leading clients through a process that explores what it is they believe in and what they want to contribute to the outer world. Insight Transformational Coaching supports women in stepping into their purpose to live a life of joy. The coaching journey with me brings women to navigate life confidently with ease and grace.

I am a seasoned public health professional with over ten years of experience in international health. Originally from Ghana, I hold a Masters of Public Health degree and a Masters in Education (International Educational Development) from Boston University.

What makes your practice unique?

It is strange but in all honesty, what sets me apart from the competition is my ability to truly see the individual. My ability to see the light that is within them -- even when they don't see it -- and my ability to support them in seeing the light that is within. My ability to hold space for the client such that at every turn in their journey, they feel stronger than they believed themselves to be.

What can our members expect from a working relationship with you?

I am committed to supporting them in achieving what is important to them. I will hold them accountable for taking action towards their goals and dreams while supporting them in the process.

Which of our leadership principles resonates with you most right now, and why?

Ownership - I am drawn to the focus on uplifting others. If we lived in a world that focused on supporting others, this world would indeed be a wonderful place. The ownership principle also resonates with me because Tide Risers' work is very much about lifting others.

Which of our leadership principles do you generally struggle with the most, and why?

Courage -- I do tend to take small steps. Learning to take significant steps and leaps is an area that I look forward to concurring.

Tell us about your experience with Tide Risers.

Being part of Tide Risers started the groundwork for me in exploring how I want to show up in this world. Tide Risers allowed me to connect with women committed to creating a world that recognizes everyone's humanity. Being part of the leadership team is an opportunity for me to support the Tide Risers' mission.

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