Dr. Katie Takayasu, Tide Risers Health and Wellness Coach

Katherine Wehri Takayasu, M.D., M.B.A. practices Integrative Medicine combining traditional Western medicine with evidence-based complementary modalities. She is the Tide Risers Health and Wellness Coach and she is available for one-to-one and small group coaching.

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“I sincerely believe in the Inner Wisdom we all hold in our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies.

I want you to reconnect to what feels good in your authentic life because the downstream effects in your health will truly revolutionize the way you feel.”

What's your area of expertise?

I practice Integrative Medicine combining traditional Western medicine with evidence-based complementary modalities. I help patients heal naturally with acupuncture, mind-body medicine, botanical medicine, nutrition, and lifestyle optimization. I am an Assistant Professor of Clinical Medicine at Columbia University/New York Presbyterian and teaches the next generation of doctors about healing the whole patient mind, body and spirit.

For my own wellbeing, I practice what I preach. I engage in yoga and meditation regularly and enjoys experimenting with plant-forward cuisine in the kitchen. Discover Dr. Katie’s Life Kitchen at www.DrKatie.com and on Instagram @DoctorKatie. Look for my book on living a plant-forward lifestyle to be published in 2021.

What makes your practice unique?

I am a thought leader, author, and speaker in the holistic health space, bridging the gap between traditional Western medicine and complementary health practices in an approachable way, helping clients to recognize their own innate wisdom for finding balance in the mind, body and spirit.

What can our members expect from a working relationship with you?

I have more than 10 years of experience guiding clients through complex health challenges to find authentic wellness. I use my western + eastern knowledge to set the stage for true healing, addressing your needs from a physical, mental and spiritual perspective complete with herbal & supplement consultation to create a sustainable plan. You’ll walk away knowing exactly what to do to stay on track.

Which of our leadership principles resonates with you most right now, and why?

Abundance - I used to think there was a confined amount of pie in one dish, in one life....but the more pie I share with others, the more my pie seems to multiply in return. I love the Tide Risers philosophy of us all rising together as we support each other. There is truly more than enough in this world to help each of us achieve our purpose.

Which of our leadership principles do you generally struggle with the most, and why?

Courage - it's so hard to embrace discomfort in the face of the unknown, even for me who is skilled in making and sustaining change. But every time that I feel discomfort I remind myself that I'm growing, because I'll innately do whatever it takes to move into the world of comfort again - which means I'm learning and changing!

Tell us about your experience with Tide Risers.

Tide Risers opened my eyes to a new world of self-discovery and an international network of women who are powerful change agents. I ultimately met so many friends and new colleagues and, best of all, formed a steadfast relationship with my now business partner Courtney Evans who shares many of the same principles I do.

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