Hilary Clark, Tide Risers Performance Coach

Hilary Clark is a performance coach, specializing in embodied speaking enhancement for public platforms. She is the Tide Risers Performance Coach and is available for one-to-one and small group coaching.

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“In the timing and rhythm of our speaking, our breath, our body positioning and body language, we communicate so much without words.

I support people in hearing the big YES to their ideas, YES to their performance, and I teach strategies and techniques to continually adapt so that they communicating with their whole selves.”

What's your area of expertise?

I am a performance coach, dancer, teacher, somatic practitioner and choreographer investigating movement and the poetic possibilities and legibility of the body.

I specialize in Performance Enhancement, Embodied Speaking and Coaching for Public Platforms, Movement/Somatic and Rehabilitative Exercise, Meditation and stress reduction methods.

What makes your practice unique?

I take a personalized and nuanced approach to supporting my clients’ process by bringing more awareness and consciousness to how our bodies participate in everything we do. I am flexible to the needs of my clients, pulling in resources as needed to support them. As successful performer, I have done the work, and I understand that it is a continuous and unfolding process of awareness, skill and drive to communicate.

What can our members expect from a working relationship with you?

Confidence and support in cultivating a sense of physical, emotional and intellectual agency that supports what they are aiming to communicate in public platforms. Enhanced performance and expression. (Ability to critique themselves without minimizing themselves!)

By learning performance techniques, they will gain deeper awareness of themselves that will support connection to their mission of communicating their truth and experience. In the timing and rhythm of our speaking, our breath, our body positioning and body language, we communicate so much without words. The mere sense of our physicality is a cue for our performance. I support people in hearing the big YES to their ideas, YES to their performance and I teach strategies and techniques to continually adapt so that they communicate with their whole selves.

Which of our leadership principles resonates with you most right now, and why?

Abundance and Authenticity. When we are connected to our truths, desires our pleasures, we realize there is only one us and that we need each other to move our world into a better, more just and equitable place.

Tell us about your experience with Tide Risers.

This community of Tide Risers brings women into a space that is about elevating our capacity and that with more of us together, we rise up! We can do more! It is beneficial to me because to see process in action is everything to me.

I play a leadership role in Tide Risers because I feel I have something to offer people in relation to reframing the role of the body in our work and how the unspoken is legible. Body language and positioning is legible and awareness of ourselves is key to bringing our whole selves forward into our desires!

Is there anything else our members should know about you?

I am a hot sauce junkie.

Tide Risers