Dr. Amy Ahlfeld

Dr. Amy J. Ahlfeld, Psy.D. is a clinical and consulting psychologist with a private practice in Midtown Sacramento. She is a University of Michigan grad and received her doctorate in psychology in 2009 from Alliant International University- San Diego and is in her tenth year in private practice. She specializes in providing behavioral interventions and has designed numerous cognitive behavioral therapy programs for sleep and weight management and gambling addiction. Additionally, she has facilitated workshops on anger management, diversity, team building, conflict management and performance psychology. She frequently consults with physicians and business executives on how to enhance life satisfaction and job performance of women and minorities in the workplace which has grown from the research and graduate work she published in her dissertation entitled: The Imposter Phenomenon Revisited: The Intersections of Race, Gender, and Professional Status in Women of Color. Throughout her professional and personal journey, Dr. Ahlfeld has helped many clients develop strategies for sustaining and developing themselves, and it is her pleasure to assist others to deepen their own strengths and abilities. In her spare time, Dr. Ahlfeld enjoys spending time with family and friends, practicing yoga, drinking tea, and being outdoors.

Prior to entering the field of psychology, Amy worked as an educator, non-profit program director, and leadership trainer in Los Angeles and Chicago working primarily with immigrant and economically disadvantaged communities. She has had a long history of community involvement and leadership and is a Past President of the Sacramento Valley Psychological Association and of the California Psychological Association (CPA) PAC, and the Immediate Past Chair of CPA's Division 1: Division of Clinical and Professional Practice. She has presented at numerous conferences and organizations and is called as a frequent consultant due to her energetic, direct style that is balanced with knowledge and experience.

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