10 Things For Which I Am Grateful
I have so much to be grateful for this Thanksgiving, but here’s the top ten Tide Risers things for which I’m feeling especially thankful:
Our brilliant members, who remind us daily of the value of investing in real relationships with a diverse mix of other women.
Our super-talented facilitators, who are so dedicated to building community for women that they have made a decision to turn over a major portion of their lives to the cause.
Laughter. We all need it, and we’re grateful to find it frequently in our gatherings.
Our community’s eagerness to enter deliberately into challenging conversations. There are too few spaces in our lives where we can explore difficult issues in a safe and supportive environment, and I’m thankful for our members’ ability to listen actively and share courageously.
The collaboration we have witnessed amongst our members, which has led to new business launches, promotions requested and granted, major life changes, creative partnerships, and festive cocktail recipes.
The accountability that is baked into our structure and curriculum. Think about the opportunities we could have collectively missed if we hadn’t employed accountability tactics.
The technology that enables us to work as a cohesive team across an ocean and eight time zones.
Our members’ dedication to prioritizing in-person gatherings despite the convenience of technology, as that’s where the real relationship-building happens.
Our generous supporters, who have selflessly gifted the Tide Risers experience to deserving women in need of financial assistance. Talk about living like a Tide Riser.
You, our cherished supporters. Thank you for cheering us on, enabling our work with scholarship funding, reading these blogs and sharing your perspectives, and spreading the Tide Risers word.
From all of us at Tide Risers, we are grateful, and we wish you all a happy Thanksgiving filled with love, laughter, and light.
I’m grateful for conversations like this one.