Life After Tide Risers
When Empriseurs met up together for the first time this year, it clicked for me: being a member of a Tide Risers cohort is really a prelude to life as an Empriseur.
When I joined Tide Risers, I was looking for two things really (in no particular order): leadership coaching (I define leadership to mean taking initiative in your work and your life) and a community of supportive, nurturing and inspiring women. Well, I’m pretty darn pleased to have found both as a founding member in 2017. When our year together concluded (insert many crying emoji faces here) and it was time to decide whether I would join Empriseurs, I figured, I have come this far. I’ll join in 2018 and revisit whether I want to continue with it in 2019.
I saw my experience as an Empriseur more clearly after our first session. Is there really an end to needing guidance or community? Do you say, “Great, I got what I came for!” and bow out? Of course not. Like water, we always thirst for these things and can only relieve our thirst temporarily. They need constant consideration and attention.
Photo by Kaufmann Mercantile
I recently had the great pleasure of seeing Joe Biden speak publicly, and he said something about crime that I think applies to so many areas of my life. He said crime is like grass. If you care for and nurture your lawn, it will maintain its health and appear beautiful. If, today, you do less than you did last year to care for it, that will be reflected in the appearance and health of your lawn. And, if in the future, you do even less, well, then your lawn will become overgrown. You can see how logically this applies to managing crime from a lawmaker’s perspective.
How applicable, though, is this also to nurturing our souls with great people and community? What about seeking out and receiving excellent and useful leadership advice and guidance? How applicable is it to eating healthfully, exercising and generally caring for our bodies and minds (something we regularly check in with one another on as Empriseurs)? What about meeting the goals we set and claiming the achievements we imagine for ourselves (again, something we nudge and support one another on as Empriseurs)? What about giving ourselves a break and patting ourselves on the backs for all we have accomplished once in awhile (yup, we do that too!)?
What did you come to Tide Risers for, and will those needs continue beyond your year-long experience? If you are an Empriseur, how as your experience this year been an asset to you so far? Please comment below!
Laura Baker is the founder of Kinlane (, an online women’s and children’s boutique with a focus on sustainability.