Aparna Sahgal, Tide Risers Creativity Coach

Aparna Sahgal is a Tide Risers Creativity Coach and a fine artist, creating joyful art for the bold and free spirited. She empowers women on their journey by helping them find new and creative outlets to express themselves by gently pushing boundaries to find a deeper purpose.


“My work is an extension of myself. I am extremely grateful that I get to wake up everyday and make art. I understand that it is not only a very personal journey for me in my process of creating the art, but also for my clients when they bring the art into their homes. It needs to speak to them. And I want it to spark joy.

I spend a lot of my time actively listening to my client, paying attention to details, before bringing that vision to life so it is just perfect for their space. I am a relationship builder, and look to form and maintain those connections with my clients for life.”

What can our members expect from a working relationship with you?

I give my 110% to everything I do, whether it's a personal or professional relationship. You can count on me to show up ready to give, get, grow and rise together with complete honesty, vulnerability and mindfulness of all the different points of view in the room.

Which of our leadership principles resonates with you most right now, and why?

Authenticity and Abundance. I have a very clear vision of who I am, who I want to be, and how I want to present myself. For the longest time, I believed I was an introvert, but 2020 has made me realize that I'm actually an ambivert - I deeply miss stepping out and having good conversations, and then retracting to my space for some quiet introspection. I've come to realize I have the ability to bring balance in social settings as required; listen when needed, speak when required.

Which of our leadership principles do you generally struggle with the most, and why?

Courage. I always have an opinion and don't have an issue speaking my mind, however, I also like to maintain harmony (a double whammy), so I'm mindful of the company and setting before always sharing my thoughts. If it’s a safe space and everyone is open-minded, then I am happy and willing to share my point of view, but I have to admit that I am hesitant to hurt or upset anyone, so sometimes have held back from being vocal if I’m unsure how my opinion will be received.

Is there anything else our members should know about you?

If I had to pick a super power for myself, I’d say I'm really good at organizing things and making it look visually stunning. I thought this would be interesting to highlight, as it usually doesn’t fit with the quintessential “artist” image! I absolutely LOVE creating, managing and organizing things, both physically and digitally! From scheduling calendars, to juggling things between home and work, it’s how I streamline and stay on top of everything!

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