Beatrice Perkins

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Beatrice Perkins, founder of Brand Excitement, is an award winning brand strategist with 20 years experience creating and supporting brands in education, technology, finance and luxury retail. With a specialty in helping clients go From Invisible To In DemandTM, she has contributed to the success of brands such as The New York Times, The College Board, Leica Camera and the City of London Tourism Bureau. The breadth of her ability to help businesses innovate and accelerate growth is tremendous.

Media mentions, keynotes and features include Forbes Magazine, O, The Oprah Magazine, Inc Magazine, Fox News, and American Express small business. In addition to the work she does with her private clients, she hosts seminars and trainings on brand management, launch development, revenue routines, automation and business models.

Formally Beatrice has a Bachelor of Arts from The University of Illinois, an APC in Journalism from NYU, is a Scholar of the Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses Program and holds a couple of highly coveted Salesforce Certifications.

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