Things We Can Control

I'm not sure I've ever before in my life found myself in mid-November having no idea what I'm doing for the upcoming holidays. This time of year is typically full of the busy work of planning for holiday gatherings, organizing travel logistics, and scouring shops for gifts. There's an uncomfortable disorientation associated with these annual rituals being disrupted, and it's wearing on me.

I know I'm not alone in this predicament, and at least that is comforting. Also encouraging is that even amidst all the unknowns of the coming months we do have an opportunity for growth.

We can take this time to develop some of our inner resources that will enable us to find a sense of peace and satisfaction even when we're struggling with our circumstances.

Ivana Tagliamonte gave a webinar at our recent Rising Higher summit focused on positive psychology and its impact on our careers and our lives. "We owe it to ourselves as women to ensure that we are cultivating happiness within us," Ivana told us, noting that happiness is like a fuel we can store up to use when need it most.

Ivana also reminded us that happiness is the joy we feel as we reach our potential. Inherent in this concept is the idea that happiness isn't an end state; it's a bi-product of a process of working toward something greater.

Lara Holliday is the Founder + CEO of Tide Risers

Lara Holliday is the Founder + CEO of Tide Risers

The important thing about working toward something greater (a concept I call the Emprise) is that we give ourselves the opportunity and the grace to take baby steps right now. We don't have to leap tall buildings in a single bound, but we may want to start examining the buildings to see what kind of training and equipment we need to have in place to prepare us to take that leap. In other words, focus on the things you can control. This is something we can all do, even in the most restricted circumstances.

Read this for a simple exercise to help you uncover opportunities within the things that are within your control.

Lara Holliday