Announcing the 2021 Tide Risers Leadership Team!

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Today is a momentous occasion in the United States, and the world is watching. As we consider the profound impact leaders can have, please take a moment to celebrate with me the news of the formation of the Tide Risers 2021 leadership team. You can read about each of them here.

The women of the Tide Risers leadership team represent a broad range of industry expertise and personal experience, serving the diverse needs of our ever-growing community.

It is such a privilege for me to work with such tremendously talented, thoughtful, accomplished women, and their dedication to our mission gives me great hope for the future.

As you browse through the bios of these powerful leaders, I encourage you to take a moment to reflect on the values that underpin your own definition of leadership. What does it look like to you? Who embodies leadership for you? How do you play a leadership role in your own life?

These are queries that we address as a community as we strengthen and deepen our skills, with an eye toward the future of female leadership against the backdrop of an ever-changing landscape.

Thank you, as always, for your support of our work and our community.

Lara Holliday