Lindsay Barbee, Tide Risers Coach

Lindsay Barbee is a management consultant with over a decade of experience in account management, finance strategy, and operations analytics. She serves as a BeSpoke Group Coach for the Tide Risers Spring 2021 cohort.

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“There is no other Lindsay Barbee - Black bisexual woman who speaks three languages and has worked in 5 continents and traveled to 40 countries. Has 10+ years in finance, marketing, real estate, education for publicly-trade companies, startups, and family owned enterprises. Yale degree in behavioral psychology and an MBA from USC. Loves God and her family. Open to nerding out about personal finance and intergenerational wealth. I'd feel bad for the competition, fortunately, I don't believe we need to fight for a larger share of a fixed-sized pie. With a collaborative perspective and shared goals, we can work to grow the pie.”

What's your area of expertise?

Strategy, Operations, Marketing, Project Management, how to solve tough problems and deliver results through difficult teams. How to guide cross-functional departments to realize that they are, indeed, a team.

What can our members expect from a working relationship with you?

Direct, compassionate, wanting to help others think about a way to address issues that can be applied to future problems.

Tell us about your experience with Tide Risers.

There is an earnestness and forthrightness in the Tide Risers community that I appreciate. It feels structured and professional. And yet, there is a flexibility that is comforting. When so many are rejected from professional opportunities with the vague explanation of "an improper fit," how refreshing it is to invite members into the community to "come as they are" and not have to "be on." I want more of that for myself and for others.

Is there anything else our members should know about you?

I'm fairly intellectual and think critically about societal constructs like capitalism and marriage, but I'm also practical enough to know that today, one needs a dollar to eat and no one wants to die alone. I'm happy to talk about ideal end states and present situations and how to close the gap incrementally.

Tide Risers